The shutdown in April will eliminate 940 jobs, though all employees in good standing will be offered positions at other ...
The 298-bed Rockledge Hospital was one of three hospitals Orlando Health acquired from the Steward Health Care System in ...
Both Health First and Parrish Healthcare are holding recruitment events this week, which could help employees of the closing ...
Orlando Health announced it's closing Rockledge Hospital, but how did the company end up in Brevard and who runs it?
The 940-employee figure is higher than the 852 employees the hospital said it had when Orlando Health acquired it four months ...
The company plans to build a new hospital in Brevard County, but did not provide a timeline or possible location.
Orlando Health will close its recently acquired Rockledge Hospital on April 22, citing the facility's poor condition and high ...
It's "place where lifesaving interventions are performed, emergencies dealt with and ongoing care for chronic conditions ...
After 1,961 restaurant inspections across Central Florida in February, only 198 had no issues for the entire month, according ...
Keep pets under direct supervision and on a leash, and keep livestock secured on your property. If an animal bites your pet ...