Prayer is like the air for the lungs of the Christian. So do not try to find time – make it.” Ash Wednesday is not a ... Lent comes from the Middle English word “lente,” which means ...
In 2024, Ash Wednesday arrived early in the season, falling on Feb. 14, which is also Valentine's Day. This year, in 2025, ...
For some, the feel of ashes on their forehead stirs memories of childhood Masses and whispered prayers ... Ash Wednesday calls for metanoia-a turning back toward God. This Greek word, rich ...
Ash Wednesday begins Lent, a 40-day period of prayer, fasting ... are applied with the words: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” It is a day of fasting and abstinence ...
The day that begins the Lenten season is called Ash Wednesday. Here are four things ... So as centuries went on, the church’s public prayer at the beginning of Lent added a phrase, “Let ...
A: Contrary to popular thinking, Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation. You do not have to go to Mass that day or ...
Ash Wednesday is a day away and begins the Christian season of Lent. The 6-week period that leads up to Easter. What we know on date, meaning and more.
Ash Wednesday marks ... can attend a church or prayer service where they'll receive the ashes on their forehead in the sign of a cross, usually accompanied by the words, “Remember that you ...