Pied wagtails can be seen across the UK throughout the year, except for in the north of Scotland from where they will migrate south in autumn. White wagtails can be seen passing through on their ...
In the final session of the unit the focus is on animal actions in autumn. The children dance a squirrel scamper; then show geese migrating, frogs jumping and swimming; and the session ends with ...
We wish we were outside, frolicking in the Autumn leaves. We'll have to live through these animals instead. "I want YOU to come outside and play with me. Pleeease? Choupette's too busy - he's ...
This is Autumn who has been nominated for PETA's first ever "Best Chicken" competition after being rescued from an intensive ...
80 per cent of current animal welfare legislation originates from EU law. If the UK were to leave the EU, it could have serious implications for animal welfare in the UK. As a result of Brexit, the UK ...