Those themes create more engaging stories beyond beating up bad guys, and getting saved by the Avengers at every turn would get boring after a while. There are even practical reasons, as there are ...
Think of the Battle of New York City in "The Avengers". Every single member of the team needed ... Part of what makes the scene so compelling is that Matt isn't just mowing through the bad guys like ...
Flag-Smasher, the evil version of Captain America, is back to terrorize Iron Man and War Machine's West Coast Avengers.
The alternate universe Avengers Twilight story is one of the very best Marvel books that has been published in the last ten ...
"The Avengers are not coming. Who will keep people safe?" These guys? Doubt it. Marvel has debuted a wacky joke (or not?) trailer for Thunderbolts*, the kooky anti-hero MCU movie kicking off the ...