Remember the AWA?Remember the Gagnes, The Crusher, the Von Erichs and Baron von Raschke? Now that’s old school. Remember the original flying dropkick? How about “The Claw”? Jim “The Baron ...
When people think of “old-school” wrestling, they may think of Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka. That’s old school, but not old enough. Remember the AWA?
“Poverty drove me to it,” said Jim Raschke, better known to generations of wrestling fans as Baron Von Raschke, purveyor of the feared claw, who worked throughout the world during a career ...
She is the daughter of a professional wrestler, Baron Von Raschke, "The Claw." Heidi loves the Twin Cities vibrant arts and music scenes and staying in camper cabins at Minnesota's many state parks.