Bernard Hill, the actor known for his roles in The Lord of the Rings and Titanic, passed away at the age of 79 on May 5, leaving behind his family, which includes his son, Gabriel Hill ...
Lord of the Rings star Bernard Hill left a modest just over £200,000 in his will to his son Gabriel Hill. The actor passed away last May at the age of 79, and documents reveal he had just £ ...
Documents show Bernard Hill who died May last year had just £255,957 in his estate at the time of his death. However, this was reduced to £206,415 after deductions for the 79-year-old actor's ...
Lord of the Rings actor Bernard Hill left just over £200,000 in his will to his son, with most of the money going to his son. The Manchester-born actor died last May aged 79, and documents show ...
Bernard Hill, the actor renowned for his role in Lord of the Rings, left just over £200,000 in his will to his son, with the majority of his estate going to him. The star passed away last May at ...