Bernard Hill, the actor that brought Lord of the Rings ... remembered by legions of fantasy fans for his turn as Théoden, King of Rohan, in both The Two Towers and Return of the King.
There may be no athlete in the history of New York sports who inspired more reverence with such modest team success. There ...
The late Lord of the Rings star Bernard Hill left a modest sum of just over ... Bernard is best known for his role as King Théoden of Rohan in Peter Jackson's award-winning Lord of the Rings ...
Late Lord of the Rings actor Bernard Hill left behind a relatively modest sum of just over £200,000 in his will, which was bequeathed to his son Gabriel Hill. The actor, who played King Theoden ...
Actor Bernard Hill, known for his roles in "Titanic" and "Lord of the Rings," died early Sunday, family members confirmed. Hill was 79. He was with his fiancée and his son when he died, his agent ...
LONDON--Actor Bernard Hill, who delivered a rousing cry before leading his people into battle in “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" and went down with the ship as the captain in ...
Lord of the Rings star Bernard Hill left a little over £200,000 to ... The actor is best known for his role as King Théoden of Rohan in Peter Jackson's epic Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Bernard Hill, the actor renowned for his role in Lord ... Hill is best remembered for his portrayal of King Théoden of Rohan in Peter Jackson's acclaimed Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Lord of the Rings actor Bernard Hill left just over £200,000 in his ... The actor is most famous for playing King Théoden of Rohan in Peter Jackson's epic Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Bernard King (born December 4, 1956 in Brooklyn, New York) is a retired American professional basketball player at the small forward position in the NBA and one of the league's all-time greatest ...