The fire district now covers all of Butte-Silver Bow County — 719 square miles — and given current staffing levels of paid ...
The Montana Highway Patrol issued 18 DUIs and Butte police made six DUI arrests between March 14 and March 18.
The long St Patrick's Day weekend is now behind us, and local law enforcement released details on how the festivities went ...
The annual St. Patrick's Day parade in Butte draws thousands of visitors, effectively doubling the city's population and ...
Butte America is buzzing with excitement as the historic M&M sign has been relit, marking the start of St. Patrick's Day ...
An iconic landmark returned to Uptown Butte this weekend. On the eve of St. Patrick’s Day, pepole gathered to relight the ...
There were plenty of fun options when it came to celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Butte. Later in the afternoon on Monday ...
Butte officials are still considering the pros and cons of locating a prison in the community and want more information from ...
Crowds in the vicinity of the intersection of Park and Montana streets were especially celebratory Monday during the St.
Parish is again partnering with the Butte-Silver Bow Chamber of Commerce at the intersection of Park and Main to officially ...
MONTANA - Weather conditions across Montana are varied today, with Butte experiencing 38 degrees and partly sunny skies, ...
The fire district now covers all of Butte-Silver Bow County — 719 square miles — and given current staffing levels of paid ...