Linnaeus's Systema Naturae charts life. Swedish botanist Carl von Linne, writing under the Latin name Linnaeus, attempts to classify all life on Earth. He publishes the first edition of Systema ...
In multiple areas of life, art and thought ... of this rage for order were “Systema Naturae,” by the Swede Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), and the “Histoire Naturelle, Génerale et Particuliere ...
Mr. Roberts structures his story as a double biography of Buffon and his Swedish rival, Carl Linnaeus. Born in the same year, ...
In 1736, on a visit to the house of the botanist Johannes Burman (1706-1779), Clifford was introduced to an up-and-coming young Swedish botanist, Carl Linnaeus, who was living and working there.
The Museum's Linnaean collection comprises approximately 12,000 items, with publication dates spanning over 300 years. Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) was a Swedish naturalist who became known as the father ...