Cats hanging out in your garden can be frustrating as they will often destroy any plants they can get their paws on, but ...
Neighbouring cats always seem to take a liking to your garden to carry out their business and dig up your plants. To stop ...
Snake plants are pretty, good for indoor air quality, and easy to care for. But there's a dark side to them, particularly ...
As a gardener and cat lover, it's important to create a safe environment for our feline friends while still enjoying the ...
Fragrance is another reason some flowers are popular in bouquets: Hyacinth has a strong perfume and beautiful shape, but when ingested by dogs and cats, they cause severe drooling, vomiting ...
Ferrari said the negative reaction cats and dogs can experience from toxic plants can happen after ingestion, but also that "some plants contain chemicals in their sap that will cause a reaction ...
If you’re thinking of gifting a loved one orchids this Mother's Day, you’ll be pleased to know they are safe to be around ...
Most people are familiar with the hazards of Halloween, and how chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats. But you might not realize that a single lick of certain flowers that are popular on Valentine ...