Generally the tree is not decorated until late Christmas Eve as Advent is still a season of penance, if not as filled with sorrow as Lent is. However, some families find the preparation for Mass ...
Eden Prairie News is hosting its second annual holiday memories essay contest. Contest winners and honorable mentions will have their stories featured in the Dec. 26 issue of Eden Prairie News.
This is a particularly good strategy if you won't be home much to enjoy the tree before Christmas Eve. Payment processor Square reported that Black Friday was the most popular day for tree ...
For others, it might be opening some or even all of the presents underneath the tree. Some parents will be familiar with the tactic of allowing excited children to open a present on Christmas Eve ...
All. Amen. (Sprinkles tree with holy water.) Then the family can sing a song, an Advent carol, if it knows one, then it is time to bless the crib and eat Christmas Eve supper.