G.O.D.S. was advertised as Marvel’s answer to DC’s popular The Sandman series, and there are many parallels between the two titles, from the nature of the characters to the elements of their ...
His battle to reclaim his power now completed, Dream finds himself at a crossroads, uncertain how to go on—or if he even wants to. Luckily, Dream's older sister, Death, is on hand to remind him ...
Following last week's New York Magazine piece outlining - in graphic detail - allegations of sexual assault made against Neil Gaiman, the creator of The Sandman and numerous other acclaimed ...
It's the 15th annual CSBG DC/Marvel Tournament ... In the first round, Daredevil defeated DMZ 96% to 4%. Sandman defeated The Secrets of Isis 89.5% to 11.5%. Legion defeated Shazam 58% to 42% ...
(Top L to R) Watchmen (written by Alan Moore, art by Dave Gibbons, published by DC Comics), Black Panther (written by Reginald Hudlin, art by John Romita Jr, published by Marvel Comics), Sandman ...
This was a mature readers line that brought together darker takes on existing DC Universe characters such as Swamp Thing, John Constantine, Doom Patrol, Animal Man, Swamp Thing and Sandman ...