NEW YORK— A federal court in New York on Friday upheld the state’s ban on sales and in-store displays of elephant and mammoth ivory and rhino horn — rejecting claims that the ban was unconstitutional.
ban on ivory, poaching associated with its illegal trade has not prevented the suffering of elephants and is estimated to cause an 8% loss in the world's elephant population every year.
The siege is getting worse. African elephants are being killed at a greater rate than at any time since the worldwide ban on the ivory trade was adopted in 1989. Every 15 minutes, on average, an ...
Import and sale of antique ivory (over 100 years old) represents another exception to the ban. The rules for importation of Asian elephant ivory are different still. (Confused yet?) Last September, ...
Even Kenya’s President Daniel arap Moi, father of the global ivory ban, once gave Pope John Paul II an elephant tusk. Moi would later make a bigger symbolic gesture, setting fire to 13 tons of ...
In 2016 the Obama administration implemented a near ban on the domestic trade in elephant ivory. Although that regulation provided some exceptions, it virtually closed the U.S. ivory market as part of ...
Elephant ivory was used for piano keys well into the 1980s. And while significant inroads were taken near the end of the century to ban the trade, some countries have been slower to embrace the ...
A letter from her friend Penelope Naylor ’62 describing Africa’s spectacular landscapes inspired Moss to visit. While there, ...
31 March: Today marks the end of the first stage in implementing China’s ivory trade ban. On March 24, China's State Forestry Administration announced a list of 12 licensed ivory factories (out of 34) ...
Sunday is World Elephant Day, so Young Post talked to ... a loophole allows the pre-ban ivory to be bought and sold legally in some places, including Hong Kong and the mainland.