As a precursor to the Bug Out event, Pokémon GO's latest Max Monday battle features Dynamax Caterpie, a familiar Pokémon with ...
It figures, then, that there will be quite a few Flower Pokemon across the Grass-, Bug- and Fairy-types. Join me below and count the petals of my rankings of all things Pokemon and flowers.
Dynamax Chansey makes her debut in this week’s Max Monday event, but shoddy implementation is making catching this Pokémon a ...
Burmy has several forms you can find and two evolved forms, which have different requirements you have to follow to get them both.
Picture a grand, formal garden, meticulously designed and cared for to support various Grass Pokemon. Imagine rooftop gardens and terraces where flying Pokemon and Bug Pokemon can enjoy fresh berries.
With the change to an open world came the elimination of a classic feature of the Pokemon series: random encounters in the tall grass. Now that players can only encounter mons in the overworld in ...