Warning: This graphic requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript for the best experience. From top, UAE soldiers, Mohamed bin Zayed, CV-22 Osprey and James Mattis ...
James Mattis and told he was being relieved of his command. A career Marine, Dowdy was stunned: Mattis’s action in the midst of a battlefield fight was nearly unprecedented and, as Dowdy knew ...
Outgoing Defense Secretary James Mattis was legendary long before he agreed to join President Donald Trump's Cabinet. The retired four-star general spent 44 years in the US Marine Corps ...
In January of 2017, while awaiting Senate confirmation as Donald Trump’s secretary of defense, retired Marine General James Mattis was warned about the new president in a telephone call from ...
Gen. James Mattis has not endorsed a candidate in the November presidential election. But he agrees with the warnings in Bob Woodward’s new book about the dangers of a second Trump presidency ...
BERKELEY, Calif. - Retired Marine Gen. James Mattis believes Arab states will be the key to countering what he calls Iran's "muscular bullying." At a lecture at the University of California ...
Defense Secretary James Mattis was legendary long before he agreed to join President Donald Trump's Cabinet. The retired four-star general spent 44 years in the US Marine Corps, working his way up ...