The Marvel Cinematic Universe is now officially connected to the Marvel Comics continuity, as a new comic series debuts which acts as a bridge between the live-action universe and the pages of the ...
Marvel radically reinvented its Ultimate continuity, while rival DC Comics introduced its own version, the Absolute Universe.
Feel free to revisit Stanley Tucci’s brief stint in the MCU by streaming Captain America: The First Avenger with a Disney+ ...
MCU is embracing the multiverse concept to explore new storylines unencumbered by single continuity. Marvel is drawing from comic book traditions, allowing characters who have died to return in ...
No, Weapon X-Men is not part of Marvel Comics' One World Under Doom despite appearances, according to Joe Casey.
Marvel’s What If…? gave MCU fans the deepest dive yet into the Multiverse by exploring an alternate timeline where things haven’t unfolded exactly as in the primary movie continuity.
Go on then... Another Ten More Of The Biggest Bleeding Cool Scoops Of 2024, for your delicatation. Can we go for one more ...
"The Devil's work is never done..." Marvel has revealed the full-length official trailer for Daredevil: Born Again, the next ...