Dad’s girlfriend showed up to the letter writer’s bowling birthday party and took over. Dear Miss Manners: For my 40th ...
Do we have to invite them to join us at a restaurant at some point? If so, may we try to “dilute” them by inviting others?
Some post ambiguous signs, presumably to have it both ways. You could ask your doctor, if you think the hospital’s policy ...
(Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email, [email protected]; or ...
Some medical facilities ban tipping because they pay parking attendants a living wage, and do not want patients with medical ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: We have been friends for many years with a married couple and their adult son. They are very wealthy and ...
Some post ambiguous signs, presumably to have it both ways. You could ask your doctor, if you think the hospital’s policy ...
I live near a university and pay students to do my laundry. Recently I found some expensive-looking and risqué underwear that ...
Miss Manners has sympathy for the rampant abuse of hosts when it comes to inviting extra people and dictating menus. But she ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper way to eat pitted cherries? Cutting them up to remove the pits seems excessive, but ...
Dear Miss Manners: I have a good friend who is the polar opposite of me on politics, religion and almost every other subject.