From goofy pairings like Magikarp & Wailord to the iconic Latios & Latias GX Alternate Art, these are Team Up's top cards.
Topps has been making baseball cards since 1952, the collector's market is willing to pay top dollar for some of them.
The unique Pokémon collectible known as 'Cheetozard', a very stale Cheeto shaped like the fire type final evolution, has sold ...
Michael Jordan autographed trading card is up for grabs via Lelands's Winter Classic auction. The current top bid is $125,078 ...
This Umbreon EX card is the most valuable card in Prismatic Evolutions. Selling for between $1,500 and $4,200, this card is a ...
WNBA trading cards are now a hotter commodity than their NBA counterparts ... The sale in December made the card the ...
How miners find, cut, and transport the most expensive amethysts in the world ... Magic: The Gathering is the world's most popular trading card game. The cards known as the Power Nine stopped ...