Spinning tails on the moths' wingtips scramble bats' echolocation signals to keep the moths from being eaten Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing Our ...
Moths can spin a silk cocoon to protect their pupae. Butterflies form a chrysalis. Butterflies fold their wings vertically above their backs, while moths hold theirs like a tent. Of course ...
Butterfly and moth wings can be stunningly beautiful. More importantly, some have colourful and elaborate patterns that serve as a defence against hungry predators. There are many butterfly and moth ...
Moth antennae are either feathery or threadlike, while butterfly antennae are smooth and end in a small knob. Finally, butterflies fold up their wings over their bodies while resting. Moths ...
Luke Brown, manager of the Museum's butterfly house, says, 'It is impossible not to be fascinated by the atlas moth. This is due to its beauty, the detail on its wings, and its sheer size at every ...