As well as sharing similarities with other Danish woodhenges, there is also a striking parity with a known woodhenge in ...
Despite the fact that it’s over 5,000 years old, Maeshowe, Orkney's answer to Stonehenge, is in amazing shape. But why did Neolithic Britons go to such great lengths to build it? Explore ...
This Early Neolithic Carinated Bowl from Knocknab, Dumfries & Galloway was one of several analyzed by researchers from the University of Bristol for a study which found that ancient Britons ...
Given that Stonehenge was built during the transition from Neolithic to Bronze Age, and given the high frequency of dark-skinned samples we inferred for that period even in northern Europe, it is ...
They began to set up farms. These farms marked the start of a new age in Britain – the Neolithic period (or new Stone Age): As well as setting up farms and permanent homes, they also built ...
A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Ferrara in Italy suggests that the majority of Europeans living 5 ...
“I would say that, given that Stonehenge was built during the transition from Neolithic to Bronze Age, and given the high frequency of dark-skinned samples we inferred for that period even in northern ...