Here's how to recognize the most common types of OCD and how to treat the condition. 1. Contamination and cleaning This type of OCD occurs when a person has an intense and persistent feeling of ...
But these terms, used in these ways, aren’t exactly accurate. In fact, Type A personalities, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ...
"OCD causes a person to feel they have to do rituals to do things in a certain way to make them feel less anxious… but in reality [compulsions] heighten anxiety." Common types of obsessions and ...
One Direction’s Niall Horan has revealed that he suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder. These are all the forms the condition can take – and most have nothing to do with tidiness While ...
OCD affects over half a million people in the UK and is a condition around which there many popular misconceptions. Many of us will have used the expression “I’m being a bit OCD” when we ...