Luffy faced the highest stakes yet when fighting Crocodile, and that fact is reflected in how their three fights turned out.
King And Queen never fought Luffy during the Raid on Onigashima and faced Zoro and Sanji instead. Luffy and Eustass Kid never ...
Luffy's attacks have changed greatly as One Piece has gone on. Here's a closer look at how much they've changed.
The design of Luffy's new forms in One Piece enhances his strength and unique ... along with the mean scowl that never leaves Luffy's face. The addition of the sword on Luffy's back is a nice ...
In the SBS section of Volume 111 of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda reveals that the giant bridge Roger and his crew come across in Chapter 967 isn’t, in fact, Tequila Wolf but another one of the four ...