Ottawa County commissioners have chosen a search firm to help find candidates for the vacant county administrator's job.
One grant would help with a bridge over Bass River, a boardwalk, and a connection between the parking area at Max Bayou to ...
If you’re looking for some native plants to add to your yard or garden this spring, an upcoming sale in Ottawa County has you ...
Ottawa County passed a resolution Tuesday making a “formal appeal” to the MPSC to reconsider shutdown plans at Port Sheldon's Campbell Plant; but officials say the decision is already made.
Backers of an effort to keep the J.H. Campbell generating complex open want the Trump administration to help them.
OTTAWA COUNTY, MI — Ottawa County commissioners have parted ways with the “constitutional” legal firm hired in early 2023 as part of several sweeping and controversial changes to county government.
Voters will decide the millage proposal on the May 6 Election Day. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Voters can ...
Several cases filed against the Ottawa County Board in 2023 and 2024 have been settled or dismissed, but at least three ...
While commissioners didn't take a vote, Board Chair John Teeples told The Sentinel there were no objections and Double Haul ...