There may be another woman sitting on the trial court bench in Somerset County, depending on the election results in May.
The 11 matters slated to be argued include a long-running challenge to state damages caps, a look at the application of a ...
As a coequal sovereign to New Jersey,” Justice Kevin Brobson wrote, “Pennsylvania must honor this decision and refuse to allow NJ Transit to be haled into Pennsylvania courts to defend against private ...
A Pennsylvania doctor can apply to have his medical license reinstated even though less than 10 years have passed since it was automatically suspended due to a drug distribution conviction, the ...
This article is made possible through Spotlight PA’s collaboration with Votebeat , a nonpartisan news organization covering ...
During Monday night’s DuBois City Council work session, Mayor Pat Reasinger announced a new policy limiting public comments ...
The Pennsylvania Superior Court has upheld the state’s prohibition on felons possessing firearms, rejecting an appeal that cited a 2022 ...
The Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled Monday that convicted felons do not have the right to own a firearm, affirming a law ...
Most states allow cameras in courtrooms. Pennsylvania is one of the few that don’t, along with Delaware, Iowa, Louisiana and ...