Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.” It is the first line of Robert Frost’s poem, “Mending Wall.” In the poem, Frost ...
Nevertheless, for this poem, and for the first time in his career, Frost got paid—$15, by the editor of a New York weekly called The Independent. “On reading ‘My Butterfly,’ ” Adam Plunkett writes in ...
Sometimes seen as the stuff of commencement addresses, his poems are hard to pin down—just like the man behind them.
Reading Frost requires a kind of modesty and curiosity. Coming to this modesty has been a big part of my own experience with him. At first, I was reading a lot of the poems and thinking, This is dumb.
To celebrate the 150th birthday of Robert Frost ... by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” “Mending Wall,” and “The Road Not Taken.” Frost was born March 26, 1874 and died in 1963.
Poetry great Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco ... "North of Boston" featured two of Frost’s most notable poems, ...
Robert Frost, who turned 20 in 1894, uncertain of his gift, bouncing among stray gigs (actor’s manager, repairer of lights at a wool mill) in Lawrence, Massachusetts, had written a poem called ...