In January 1889, after a heated argument with his friend Paul Gauguin that led him to cut off part of his left ear, Vincent van Gogh painted one of the most iconic self-portraits in the history of art ...
For centuries, parishioners at a church in a small French town thought that a painting in their collection was a 19th-century copy of a 15th-century artwork by Sandro Botticelli. Now, a new ...
Gianeselli was creating an inventory of Italian works in France’s public buildings and questioned if the painting was actually from Sandro Botticelli’s studio. The painting, a copy of ...
At that time: Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And ...
What Art Can Tell Us About Love, Nick Trend, Laurence King Publishing, 208pp, £18.99 (hb) The UK journalist Nick Trend ...
Torino - Come è cambiata dall’antichità ad oggi l’immagine della bellezza? In quali modi gli artisti l’hanno rappresentata ...
(Adnkronos) - Un tributo al Rinascimento e alla ‘Primavera’ di Sandro Botticelli, senza dimenticare forme architettoniche e ultra moderne che da sempre contraddistinguono la donna Giada.
«È un tributo al Rinascimento italiano», spiega a MFF il direttore creativo, «in particolare alla Primavera di Sandro Botticelli, dalla quale abbiamo recuperato questo elemento ...