Triceratops’ enormous head might have been ... Its head was ornamented with three horns, a short one above its mouth and two long ones above each eye. Behind these horns was a head frill made ...
Triceratops was one of the most common dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Its most prominent features are on its head: two long brow horns, a nasal horn, and a bony frill. Its frill had no ...
Triceratops was a massive herbivorous dinosaur with three sharp horns, a bony frill, and a strong body, roaming North America 68 million years ago. Triceratops had the longest horns among ...
Lokiceratops rangiformis, a cousin of Triceratops, was identified from a ... Like other ceratposian dinosaurs, Lokiceratops had a mouth filled with more than 200 teeth honed into a shearing ...