For Vanessa Bayer, that includes keeping the news that ... and went on to create original characters Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy, child actor Laura Parsons, J-Pop America Fun Time Now cohost Rebecca ...
Former “Saturday Night Live” star Vanessa Bayer revealed that she was forced to lie to her family for a month when she landed the coveted gig after hearing “horror stories” of past cast ...
Vanessa Bayer is sharing how her family used humor ... and what’s better than that,” Bayer explained. "This character had childhood leukemia and I had childhood leukemia," Bayer told the ...
"I have something that I wanted to tell you, which is that I was almost your daughter-in-law," Bayer started. Left, Vanessa Bayer is seen in Los Angeles on September 18, 2023. Right, Ted Danson is ...
ET spoke with director Alex Richanback about the making of the Netflix romp, starring Gillian Jacobs, Vanessa Bayer and Phoebe Robinson. The former ‘SNL’ star confronts Megan Mullally’s ...
Some things are more important than family. For Vanessa Bayer, that includes keeping the news that she was cast on Saturday Night Live a secret. The former SNL star revealed she actually lied to ...
Vanessa Bayer, 'Saturday Night Live' Seth Rogen Says ‘It Wasn’t on My Radar’ When James Franco Revealed Their Friendship Is Over and ‘Not for a Lack of Trying’ ...
For Vanessa Bayer, that includes keeping the news that she was cast ... and went on to create original characters Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy, child actor Laura Parsons, J-Pop America Fun Time Now ...