But at a little over six metres long, this fictional man-eating monster is small fry when compared to the world ... Read on to find out about the biggest sharks in the world. The whale shark, ...
According to Metro, whale sharks are filter feeders and won't eat any humans they encounter. They feed only on plankton and very small fish. "Tubbataha is a magical place and is basically a wide ...
Despite their size, whale sharks eat mostly small organisms like plankton, schooling fish and squid, which they scoop from ...
A whale watching tour was surprised with what organizers called a “once-in-a-lifetime” shark sighting on Friday afternoon off the coast of Newport Beach. According to Davey’s Locker Whale ...
Baby whale sharks remain one of the biggest mysteries in marine science, but new research suggests their birthplaces may be ...
For over two decades whale sharks have congregated at the bagans (fishing platforms) of these fishermen, where they are thrown handfuls of small, silverside baitfish - a gesture reflecting the ...