Some Arab American and         Muslim voters angry at U.S. support for Israel's offensive in         Gaza are shunning Democrat Kamala Harris in the presidential         race to back third-party ...
Two mighty beams of         energy have been detected shooting in opposite directions from a         supermassive black hole inside a distant galaxy - the largest         such jets ever spotted, ...
Haitian Americans said         they fear for their safety after Donald Trump repeated a false         and derogatory claim during this week's presidential debate         about immigrants in Ohio.
Venezuela's government "categorically" rejected a United Nations human rights report on Friday criticizing repression of political opponents and children in the wake of contested elections, saying it ...
A Kenyan court ruled on Friday that Facebook's parent company Meta could be sued in the East African nation over the dismissal of dozens of content moderators by a contractor.                  Last ye ...
天水圍分區軍裝巡邏小隊第二隊聯同特遣隊昨日接近傍晚時分, 在區內展開打擊非法街頭賭博行動, 突擊搜查天秀路一條行人隧道.         行動中, 拘捕一名62歲姓司徒本地男子, 涉嫌「在賭場以外任何場所或在街道上營辦非法賭博」, 另外八名本地男子及四名本地女子, 年齡介乎50至74歲, 涉嫌在「賭場以外任何場所或在街道上賭博」.         行動同時檢獲一批證物, 包括啤牌、桌椅及約1萬2, ...
A top United Nations official on Friday urged all countries with influence over Israel and Lebanese militant group Hezbollah "to leverage it now" to avoid an escalation of Middle East violence that sh ...
U.S. officials have not given up hope of landing a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal but are increasingly pessimistic that a breakthrough can come anytime soon, according to sources and officials famili ...
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Friday it intends to seek sanctions against Elon Musk after he failed to appear for court-ordered testimony for the regulator's probe into his $44 b ...
中國常駐聯合國代表傅聰當地星期五(20日), 在安理會緊急審議黎以局勢時表示, 中方對黎以局勢可能進一步升級深表擔憂, 呼籲所有各方保持最大限度克制.         傅聰表示, 中方對黎巴嫩境內幾千台尋呼機、對講機等通訊設備, 被遠程操縱同時發生爆炸, 造成幾千民眾傷亡, 深感震驚及深表關切. 通過遠程操縱通訊工具, 發動無差別襲擊, 造成大規模平民傷亡, 製造社會恐慌, 事件在歷史上聞所未聞.
新華社報道, 黎巴嫩真主黨當地星期五(20日)晚上發聲明, 確認高級領導人易卜拉欣.阿基勒, 在以色列當日對貝魯特南郊的襲擊中死亡.         法新社報道, 以色列軍方同日指出, 空襲貝魯特擊斃真主黨指揮官及約10名高級人物, 並非為中東地區緊張局勢升溫. 以軍發言人哈加里表示, 以軍正在按照戰爭既定目標, 開展行動, 並將繼續這樣做.         聯合國則對以軍空襲貝魯特深感憂慮, 敦 ...
大欖女懲教所懲教人員昨晚制止一名女性還押在囚人士襲擊職員.         懲教署昨晚發新聞稿指, 昨晚7時10分, 一名62歲女性還押在囚人士, 在囚室內突然情緒失控, 襲擊一名懲教人員. 在場懲教人員立即喝止施襲者.         被襲懲教人員姆指受傷, 經院所醫生檢查及診治後, 被轉介到公立醫院接受進一步治理. 施襲者則並無受傷. 事件已轉交警方調查.         施襲者上月(8月)因 ...