EU renews Russia sanctions
HOW CONCERNED should Europe be at the rise of Herbert Kickl, the leader of Austria’s hard-right Freedom Party, the FPö? Following the collapse of attempts by the country’s centrist politicians to keep him out of power after his party came top at an election last September (though with only 29% of the vote),
Az európai uniós külügyminiszterek hétfÅ‘i tanácsülésén az dönti el a magyar szavazatot, hogy az Európai Bizottság ad-e garanciát arra, hogy a jövÅ‘ben fellép minden olyan esetben, amikor uniós tagállamok energiabiztonságát fenyegetik az Európai Unión kívülrÅ‘l.
Following a potentially meaningless declaration from the European Commission on Monday that the E.U. will continue talking to Kyiv about “the supply to Europe through the gas pipeline system in Ukraine,
Hungary wants the European Union to persuade Ukraine to resume gas transit from Russia to Europe, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday, signalling a tough debate as the EU seeks to extend its sanctions against Russia over the coming week.
The nationalist premier, a long-time Trump supporter, envisages a "golden era" for relations between the US and EU member state Hungary under Trump's presidency.
As Magyar Nemzet reported, Hungary blocked the extension of sanctions against Russia, putting significant pressure on European Union decision-makers. Prime Minister Viktor Orban made it clear that Hungary's support is conditional on the resumption of natural gas and oil transit through Ukraine, which has been halted in recently.
Turmoil in Europe's car sector could hit the central European economy and hurt banks' asset quality, S&P Global said on Tuesday, although it added that lenders were strong enough to withstand stress in their automotive portfolios.
The European Union agreed a 6-month extension Monday for a raft of sanctions aimed at depriving Russia of funds to finance its military operations against Ukraine after Hungary lifted its objections to the move.
European Union foreign ministers agreed on Monday to take steps towards easing sanctions on Syria following the fall of dictator Bashar Assad's regime in December. "While we aim to move fast, the lifting of sanctions can be reversed if wrong steps are taken,
Sanctions targeting Russia's economy are renewed by the EU, with Hungary backing down from a veto that delayed the decision.
Without the wisdom and foresight of Aleksandr Lukashenko, Eastern Europe would have been in a completely different situation, Chairman of the Hungarian Workers' Party Gyula Thürmer said at a press conference in the CEC Information Center in Minsk on .