The restaurant at the Midtown Square Mall offers many traditional east African dishes, some with an American twist.
South African spaza shop owners can now access grants up to R50,000 and blended financing up to R300,000 through a new ...
Here are five markets where you can find and buy African food items in Canada: AFROCAN, North York; MyChopChop (Online); ...
Checkers and Spar are rolling out high-end grocery stores, targeting a market segment Woolworths Food dominated for years.
A new report by Trade Intelligence shows that the South African FMCG corporate retail sector demonstrated remarkable ...
Shops focusing on international baked goods, tabletop games and African and Caribbean products are among the stores that will ...
The free-to-use app efficiently alerts users to discounted food items, playing a key role in reducing food waste.
In Nairobi, he used to own a clothing store, and then another time he used ... to serve as an accessible first taste of East African food for people trying to branch out. "I want people to come ...
She said that the Department of Small Business Development has recruited 61 business regulation officers on six-month contracts, each assigned to a District or Metro across the country ...
"Sell by" or "display until" is the last day of offer for sale to the consumer, after which there is still a reasonable storage period at home.
NIQ South Africa has released its latest State of the Retail Nation analysis for the last quarter and full year calendar year ...