Rogan joins online frenzy after scientists claim radar scans reveal a hidden underground complex 6,500 feet below.
A city discovered underneath the Giza pyramids is over tens of thousands of years older than the pyramids themselves, ...
The world's first skyscrapers can be retraced to a once thriving ancient city that had residential high-rise buildings 492 years ago.
Imagine if they were off the grid; there’d be more electricity to go round the people of that state. Take Ibadan as another example. This ancient city is home to the famed University of Ibadan ...
Ancient Greeks spent much of their time playing board games practically on a daily basis. They were a beloved part of ancient Greek culture.
These cities were designed along a grid system like New York City or Barcelona ... still more than 1,000 years before the birth of ancient Rome – the civilization collapsed and people migrated ...
If you want delicious, cheap food, surrounded by the most beautiful architecture and landscapes there is no reason not to ...
Equinoxes occur twice a year, in spring and fall, when Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun. As a ...
ILIAD (19A: Trojan War epic) The ILIAD is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer ... kōji (a filamentous fungus also used in making sake). EMERALD (4D: The ___ City (largest city in the Land ...