The State Department said after the reports earlier this month that it was abandoning plans to buy $400 million worth of "armored electric vehicles” that had earlier listed Tesla as the intended ...
"When Russia invaded three years ago, it was very much traditional, columns of armored tanks rolling forward meeting Ukrainians in trench warfare, but drones have absolutely revolutionized that.
Several book series are considered "foundational" when it comes to genres, and The Chronicles of Narnia is absolutely one of those book series. Between 2005 and 2010, three of the books were ...
The U.S. is the lead funder of the Kenya-led Multinational Security Support mission in Haiti, supplying weapons and ammunition as well as armored vehicles and other equipment. At the same time ...
Also that year he married Ann Schroll, of Greybull, Wyoming, and joined the U.S. Army, where he served in the Fifth Infantry Division and the Second Armored “Hell on Wheels” Division in Germany.