But the title was strongly associated with the fertility god Hadad and in the passage of time the title baal became the common name of Hadad. The worship of Baal spread and was particularly ...
Tomorrow we will celebrate the fifth Sunday of Lent. Lent was established by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD with emphasis on ...
When he was 20, he says he had a personal revelation that led him to Jesus, and he eventually became the head of a Messianic congregation, blending Jewish rituals with Christian worship and a ...
Everyone knows Judaism rejects idol worship utterly, right? But perhaps this is not quite correct. For a pagan, a stone idol makes a worshiper think of Baal or Zeus. In Judaism, we are called upon ...
The social consequences of their worship hit with a rush ... and abortion as worshipping Baal, Ashtoreth, and Molech — false gods who delivered affluence to the Israelites (and the Boomers ...
Arriving at Gibeah, David is brought before Queen Ahinoam and Besai (Eden Saban), the priestess of Baal. Eliab asks why ...
Although Gideon is certainly a man driven by his anxieties when we first meet him in Judges 6, the magnificent ...