Two bills in Congress would limit or eliminate the EPA's Clean Air Act waivers issued to California. Also: Truck tonnage ...
On March 13, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it would move forward with reconsideration of the Greenhouse ...
Bucks County’s commissioners quietly hired a Chicago law firm to sue energy providers over climate change last year, joining ...
BRIEFING: US Supreme Court considers where Clean Air Act challenges should be heard; US states should rethink industrial decarbonisation plans, reduce reliance on fe ...
Gary Baise, a principal at OFW Law, specializes in Clean Water Act (CWA), Clean Air Act (CAA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and ...
The Supreme Court appears poised to keep at least some Clean Air Act disputes in federal courts outside of D.C. — preventing what at least one justice described as “home court advantage” for the ...
The Trump administration vowed to rid the EPA of a backlog of decisions on state plans to manage air pollution. Now advocates ...
States and refineries asked the justices to clarify venue rules for challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s actions ...
At issue is whether biofuel blending and state ozone plan cases should be heard in regional courts potentially more favorable ...
Op-ed: America’s clean air rules boost health and the economy, returning $10 for every $1 spent on regulations, per one ...
Energy policy expert Jason Isaac argues clean air mandates are exacerbating the significant drop in gas tax revenues that ...