The world of literature is filled with tales and characters that have drawn inspiration from the majestic presence of big ...
Cats have always been mysterious. They stare into empty spaces. They react to things we can’t see. But does this mean they see ghosts? Many pet owners believe their cats sense spirits.
Performing Arts Series with the toe-tapping rhythms of Phat Cat Swinger’s “The Wonderful World of Swing” at 5 p.m. on Sunday, ...
Mark my words—Pamela Purr, a Ragdoll and Persian mix, will be the next Pixar or Disney cat because she's just entered her ...
The world of big cats is a thrilling blend of power, grace, and mystery that has captured human imagination for centuries.
A new League of Legends live-action series appears to be in development, with Vietnam emerging as a potential filming ...
The Marvel Legends line has turned so many of Marvel’s biggest and lesser-known characters into action figures, and that ...
Urban legends passed down by staff include stories of hands reaching out from the stacks, songs emanating from empty ...
Emily Anthes is a science reporter who writes Pet Theory, a column about our creature companions. When my husband and I took our cat to the vet early last year, we were hoping to hear that we had ...
After having a "final days" session, a family prepared to say goodbye to their senior cat a third time, but the feline had other plans. The mother, known on TikTok user ...
And this sentiment may be shared, with cats demonstrating affection through seeking out our company, physical contact and engaging in play. Like a secret language between friends, there is even ...