Try this amazing full flavored Southwest Turkey Burger with Guacamole and Chipotle Mayo recipe! Top off with some grilled ...
Spice up your tacos, burgers and almost anything with this delicious chipotle mayo recipe. Here is how to make it!
Cook up Potato and Bacon Hash with cheesy baked beans, roast Cannellini beans for a snack or make burgers out of black beans.
Cook corn, turning often, until charred (5 minutes). Spoon chipotle mayonnaise onto a platter and top with corn. Sprinkle with paprika and chilli powder and scatter with feta, puffed amaranth, ...
Meanwhile, place chipotles, a generous squeeze of lemon juice and mayonnaise in a small food ... Spread prepared chipotle mayo on one side of each slice. Top half of the mayo-slathered slices ...
Yes, it is one less ounce of beans, but it works out well. Of course, the Chipotle Mayonnaise is delicious, but if I’m serving children, I usually just combine mayonnaise and tomato ketchup to ...