Many gathered at the Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur, Oklahoma, Sept. 9, 2024, as Governor Bill Anoatubby proclaimed ...
Sister Uyen Vu and her family came to New Orleans on September 7, 1989 after 18 months in different refugee camps in Malaysia ...
If your high school student participates in the ‘See You At The Pole’ events, there are important legal guidelines you should ...
A Dhaka court today placed former railways minister Md Nurul Islam Sujan on a five-day remand in a case filed over the death ...
By Tahna Weston [email protected] As the government looks at making the National Day of Prayer an annual event ...
In a show of unity Saturday afternoon, more than a dozen people, including local law enforcement, first responders, council ...
After a stirring invocation by Rev. Jack Kennedy, 21st Ward Veterans Association President and ceremony emcee Bruce Hoffman ...
Opening prayers help participants focus on the spiritual aspects of the gathering. Check out this article to learn more about ...
BHS student organizer Shawn Holderman, and the rest of the planning committee, invite all to join them as they pray Wednesday ...
You have to forgive, you have to ask the good Lord to forgive you, and have faith in that, and you move forward,” one ...
‘The pirate’s way to pray’: A simple hack for communicating with God from the Saint Paul Seminary. Talk Like a Pirate Day is Sept. 19. Pray Like a Pirate Day?… Any and every day.
The day included refreshments, a guided tour of the mosque, a question and answer session and an opportunity to observe the ...