As pet owners, we know how unsettling it can be when our dogs are under the weather. Respiratory illnesses in dogs can range ...
Living with a cat or dog a person is allergic to can be difficult. But an allergist says there are ways to get relief, and ...
Allergic reactions to dogs or cats can cause sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, hives and other symptoms.
"A thunderous sneeze is a learned behavior," says Mas Takashima, chair of the otolaryngology department at Houston Methodist.
Roaming the open road hits differently when your copilot's got floppy ears and a nose that sniffs out adventure before you ...
University of Chicago allergist Dr. Christina Ciaccio on why we sneeze and itch in spring and how to make the pollen and ...
Tiffany Wallace, from Wilmington, North Carolina, used to hate seeing photos of her side profile. And, after years of feeling ...
Jennifer Love Hewitt has been working in Hollywood since she was only 10 years old, and the late 1980s and early 1990s were a ...