Below-average rainfall continues to make it difficult for farmers as soil moisture levels dry out and stock feed and water ...
Near Murchison, the paddocks on Alf Kinzett's deer farm either side of State Highway 6 are a dusty brown. He's lived in the ...
Lake County officials said the ban will be lifted when the drought index drops below 500 for five consecutive days.
The Federation drought affected almost all of Australia and is widely considered the most destructive in our recorded history ...
Prolonged droughts, wildfires and water shortages. Torrential downpours that overwhelm dams and cause catastrophic flooding.
At the ripe old age of 91, Peter Whitford has seen a lot of change in the dairy farming game. He’s been milking cows since ...
As Earth continues to warm, more and more of the planet is becoming dry. A 2024 UN report found that in the last three ...
As the first light of the morning sun breaks over the hills of Konso, Kawadaya Oldisha, 45, begins his daily routine of ...
“If we are moving to an era of unplanned disruptions then it means ignorance is no longer an option, we can’t just pretend ...
Gadag: Under its CSR initiative, SBI Foundation launched the construction of 200 farm ponds and bunds for small and marginal ...
In Maharashtra’s parched landscapes, former IRS officer Ujjwal Kumar Chavan initiated a transformative water conservation ...
HWMO helps communities like Kahikinui become Firewise. In the 10 years preceding the August 2023 Maui fires that destroyed ...