Scientists visited fish markets and ports in search of sharks, ghost sharks, rays and skates caught by fishermen. Take a look at their finds.
Great hammerhead sharks are slow to grow and slow to reproduce, which makes them very vulnerable to overfishing — worldwide ...
Somehow, a large orange octopus has been riding a mako shark off the coast of New Zealand. Researchers are mystified.
The octopus in question was no lightweight. It was a Māori octopus, the largest octopus species in the Southern Hemisphere.
Some great hammerhead sharks stay near Andros Island, revealing new insights into behavior and conservation of this ...
THE world’s “most mysterious” shark that lives for 400 years has been spotted lurking off the UK’s coast. Greenland sharks ...
A team of local fishermen made waves on Saturday when they reeled in a 12 to 13-foot great white shark from a Hatteras Island ...
Dan Rothermel took to social media and posted photos and video of the group -- including Luke Beard, Jason Rosenfeld and ...
As shark season approaches in the UK, are you aware of the giant 400-year-old sharks that can be found in our waters?
Understanding hammerhead sharks’ food preferences could aid efforts to protect the critically endangered fish.
Sharks near the Bahamas have now discovered that, although some sharks travel to the east coast of the US, others prefer to ...
"One of the best things about being a marine scientist is that you never know what you might see next in the sea," writes ...