Bishop Kenney encouraged listeners to be more like Christ, not just on Good Friday, but through their entire lives. Part of ...
When we oppose the actions we see around us, we can't give in to the bullies and tyrants, we must offer alternatives and work to achieve them ...
‘Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44). “I’m a Christian — I love everybody!” Some of us may ...
Gwen Stefani drew criticism from some of her fans when she spoke out about her Catholic faith and her partnership with the ...
Prayer is a special gift from God through which we talk to Him. By simply sharing our hearts with our Creator, we thank him, think of him and share all ...
Roughly 100 Catholics from across the county paraded down Worth Avenue, singing hymns and reciting prayers in veneration of ...
Every year, when Lent arrives, my heart fills with vivid memories of Guatemala. Now that I live in Minnesota, I appreciate ...
Out of Mindanao, where he was born and raised, Tony went out to the world to love and be loved.
JESUS Is Our Shield Worldwide Ministries (JIOSWM) joyfully celebrates the 32nd Anniversary of ORAS NG HIMALA, its Mass Media ...
"The prayer of the Church venerates and honors the Heart of Jesus . . . which, out of love for men, he allowed to be pierced by our sins." 2 Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is of great ...
Love was the first Black Republican woman to be elected to Congress. Learn more about her life and death here.
I carefully lift the sacred sacrament bread to my lips, and drink from the sacrament cup. I feel peace and light: renewal. In ...