President Donald Trump has signed a slew of policies aimed at wiping transgender people out of government records, sports and ...
Mary Jane Truemper, who had been the party’s vice chair, succeeds former Chairperson Eric Underwood, who rose to power in ...
Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen says state officials have long faced roadblocks to using databases confirming ...
Flood, who held the town hall in Columbus, Nebraska, in the face of guidance from his party not to do so, was booed and had ...
Often, personal passion spurs Nebraska state senators to prioritize certain bills. Those bills are really the only ones that ...
A pair of bills seek to make Nebraska roads safer through use of automatic cameras. The bills also raised questions about ...
Sen. Rick Holdcroft's bill (LB135) requiring school districts to hold bond issue elections during statewide primary or ...
As Republican lawmakers are being discouraged to hold town halls, Nebraska Republican Congressman Mike Flood powered on as the crowd chanted, “tax the rich.” ...
This just in: Nebraska elections already have integrity. Like previous attempts to disenfranchise, Legislative Bill 541 would construct barriers between Nebraskans’ right to vote, including the ...
Former Nebraska U.S. Senate candidate Dan Osborn has expanded his options for a next possible run for office to a seat in the ...
Holdcroft said while he has confidence in the integrity of Nebraska elections, the bill is “simply to give peace of mind to the electorate and our state regarding the security of our elections.” ...
Adrian Smith, Rep. Mike Flood and Rep. Don Bacon listen. (Aaron Sanderford/Nebraska Examiner) After the race, he launched a political action committee to support working-class candidates and get ...