A rogue landlord at the heart of a ‘massive’ fraud on house-hunters in east London has been jailed for more than three years.
The UK is set to expect more warm weather this week followed by a washout weekend, the Met Office has warned. Temperatures in ...
The Slice is a local magazine and a family of four hyper-local online news websites which serve the east London borough of ...
A landlord who was among a group of property agents who defrauded and misled flat-hunters on an "unprecedented" scale has ...
India has not declined a meeting with Nobel laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus, Chief adviser of Interim Government and Indian ...
Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Thursday announced that he doesn't have immediate plans to visit the disputed trijunction of Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani. Oli made the statement while ...
A high kick from Wakefield's Oli Russell was then misjudged by Hull full-back Logan Moy before Josh Rourke touched down. But ...
Greater Manchester is set to bask in more sunshine this week - before rain moves in by the weekend. Blue skies and highs of ...
A Welsh island is hoping working from home and its miles of beach will stop its "unsustainable" exodus of young people. A ...
‘We will see increasing sunny spells across the south, central and northern parts of England and Wales’, Met Office forecaster Oli Claydon said. ‘There will be highs of 16C and 17C in the early part ...