Kirsty Shelton was at home preparing lunch and watching television with her daughters and their grandmother when they were startled by loud banging on their apartment door by a SWAT ...
The incident was caught on surveillance footage released by the Greece Police Department ... Greece SWAT executed a warrant at a home on Remington Street. Three other Rochester locations were ...
As St. Patrick's Day approaches, the Rochester Police Department is joining forces with the Illinois State Police and the ...
ROCHESTER, Minn.- John Timmerman, a 43 year old Rochester man facing 13 felony charges related to soliciting a child through ...
Nickolas Romeo, the Rochester police officer who was charged last month with sexual abuse and harassment, appeared in Greece ...
Former Rochester Police Officer Nicholas Romeo is scheduled to appear in Greece Town Court Tuesday. Romeo was suspended with ...
New Orleans police ... SWAT team to a home in Algiers' Behrman neighborhood Thursday morning after an unidentified man resisted arrest, officials said. Officers with the New Orleans Police ...
A call about stolen car keys to the Tallahassee Police Department Sunday afternoon ended with the the SWAT team convincing an armed barricaded suspect to give himself up. It all began with a 12:53 ...
A Denver SWAT team burst into the wrong family's apartment, holding several women and children at gunpoint before locking ...