The Netflix action comedy, Back In Action starring Jamie Foxx revolves around a retired spy, Matt who assumes the ...
The heartbreaking ending of Minnaram leaves a deep impression, ensuring its status as a beloved classic in Malayalam cinema.
When I downloaded Mubi for the first time, I went on a bit of a spree and added nine movies to my watchlist to see what it ...
Netflix's animated movies have made a splash in the film world, earning accolades at prestigious festivals and award ...
Laura Cowan endured nearly four years of unimaginable abuse and captivity in a locked garage with her children. Now, her powerful story is brought to life in the Lifetime movie Girl in the Garage.
If you can’t wait until February, there’s a sneak peak of 1923 Season 2 coming up, but you’ll have to tune-in on time if you want to see it.