Kimble Companies Regional Municipal Sales Manager Brett Fegan discussed two possible pickup schedules at the March 11 ...
“Beyond the legal obligation we have under state law to provide trash services, breach of contract would expose taxpayers to ...
To minimize the impact of the changes, the district will provide extra garbage-bag pickups during a transition period and ...
Madison County's crackdown on trash trucks results in 13 vehicles out of service and six citations for debris on roadways.
A fire broke out in the holding bin of a trash truck in Martinsville on Tuesday. Per a Martinsville Fire Department Facebook post, crews responded to North Mulberry Street ...
The City of St. Paul has five days to figure out a garbage hauler service's land agreement, or residents will have nobody to take away their trash.
A dispute over where St. Paul's new garbage hauler will store and repair its trucks could leave the city without trash pickup ...
The driver tried to put out the fire, but decided to dump the contents onto the road near a fire station after the fire spread.
Amwaste customers faced significant delays and missed garbage pickups, leading to frustration and complaints. However, ...
Trash has been piling up for weeks at a Millersburg trailer park after the owner failed to pay the waste collection bill, ...