The last Sunday of the year is more exciting than ever both in the fight for the Scudetto and in that for access to the next ...
Ab dem 9. Januar 2025 sind Banken laut EU-Verordnung 2024/886 verpflichtet, Sofortüberweisungen ohne Aufpreis zu empfangen ...
Trenitalia bietet ab 2025 automatische Rückerstattungen bei Verspätungen von mehr als 60 Minuten in Regionalzügen an, ...
Trenitalia will offer automatic refunds for delays of over 60 minutes on regional trains, but only for electronic tickets.
L'année qui nous quitte, 2024, a vu alterner les directions créatives du système de la mode dans un « congé et double » ...
The year that is leaving us, 2024, has seen the creative directions of the fashion system alternate in a continuous “drop and ...
Nu este deloc adevărat că dimensiunile mici împiedică afacerile, în special pe cele artizanale, să crească productivitatea È™i să inoveze, mai ales într-un nou scenariu economic È™i politic global. Nici ...
It is not true at all that small size prevents businesses, especially artisan ones, from increasing productivity and innovating especially in a new global economic and political scenario. Even on ...