Some banks have begun to step back from offering balance sheet capacity for gilt repo, as increased funding costs clash with ...
Despite the challenges and shortcomings of Ucits filings, the work has been instructive. The Counterparty Radar database now ...
This article explores the research behind a recent Risk Live Europe session, examining the strengths and limitations of LLMs ...
Cumulus9 proved standout vendor by bringing inventive solutions to the market, securing the award for Counterparty risk ...
Following a series of market and industry credit risk events, regulatory scrutiny of counterparty credit risk management ...
Analysis of banks’ risk indicators suggest combined entity could have larger systemic footprint than ING and BPCE ...
Officials merge credit databases with unstructured reports to sharpen bank oversight, explains Banco de España ex-deputy ...
“Disclosures could shine a light on [these practices], and if the market determines this is bad practice based on that light, ...
Representing the bank, law firm Milbank argues the committee’s approach risks constraining the market and goes against expectations ...
Pimco’s Ucits business notched up more interest rate swap trades in the second half of 2023 than all other top managers ...
Eurex Clearing’s peak hypothetical stress loss rose 24% to €4.6 billion ($5.1 billion) in the event of one of its members and ...
In the days after the upcoming US president election on November 5, financial professionals will be watching credit rating ...